I'm so fed up! I have spent ages today writing - or attempting to write this! I began this morning whilst still at Binky's place, then drove back here to Sussex, and continued. Finally - Eureka it's done - then I pressed the wrong button and it's gone... somewhere in the ether - and do you think I can find it - NO!
I'm still finding technology tricky, I love the gadgets and have them all, but using them means me having to have a younger person close by to put it right when I inevitably screw up. I know I have my uses - and they're mainly with pots and pans - but still I persevere!
My main reason for wanting to write today is that a friend of mine asked me to mention an event on the 8th December. It's in aid of the charity Centrepoint, which is so relevant this time of year. It's a brilliant evening of tennis at the Royal Albert Hall, and it's called " The Winter Whites Gala' It's got celebs, and legendary tennis masters are playing. Prince William and Kate are going to be attending, and for some people that would rather go to the tennis rather than say - a ballet or something around Christmas it would be perfect! The link is - www.winterwhitesgala.com. There we are - done, phew...burned jacket potato here I come!
I know everybody has there own way of 'putting something back'. I give small amounts monthly straight from my bank but I don't notice it, and I really don't do much else. I'm always going to of course, but I'm always just so busy...
Last Monday I went to the screening of MIC in London with Binks. I always love going as I get to talk, listen to, and laugh with all the lovely young things there, and being beautifully mannered they always try hard to find some common ground to chat with me on. At the moment being Christmas, it was easy. Many of them, like us are going skiing, and some are just jetting off to the sun to stay with their families abroad.
It's very jolly and uplifting being in company like this, and after a while we all drifted off home, hailing taxi's and deciding to continue the evening back at the house.
I asked the cab driver to stop while one of us dashed into a supermarket for extra supplies, and I got chatting to him. He was saying that he's working over most of the Christmas holiday, but when he's not he's going be a Father Christmas in a children's home. He was laughing about this and saying what a buzz it is as the kids are fab and so and jolly, and - well to cut a long story short it made me feel pretty guilty - which is a feeling I hate!
So now you see why I feel compelled to write this today, despite the fact it's now taken me several hours. I am determined to start putting myself out a bit more. They say you can't teach an old dogs new tricks - but this one is going to start making some more effort, for as my dear old father often said ' be careful love, it doesn't always pass your door'!
Much love peeps. Janey x
Such a positive and inspiring post - and something that really needed to be said; the world is a far better place when we all simply 'do our bit' whenever we're able!